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Saturday, April 30, 2011

6 Hal Terlarang Demi Menghalau Spam

Volume Spam global mungkin menurun, tapi tingkat bahayanya disinyalir naik. Berikut adalah enam hal yang harus dihindari demi menghalau penyebaran spam. 

Dalam laporan bulanan Symantec Messaging and Web Security disebutkan bahwa volume global email sampah (spam) menurun. 

Meski demikian ini bukan alasan untuk menjadi lengah dan tidak lagi melakukan prosedur keamanan yang dibutuhkan. 

Nah, berikut adalah enam hal yang menurut Symantec sebaiknya tidak dilakukan oleh pengguna internet. Larangan ini perlu untuk menghalau penyebaran spam. 
1. Membuka lampiran dari email yang tidak dikenal 

Jangan tergoda untuk membuka lampiran pada email yang terlihat mencurigakan. Kadang lampiran itu memang punya nama yang menggoda, namun bisa jadi isinya adalah program jahat. 

2. Membalas spam

Mungkin karena kesal atau alasan lain, pengguna bisa tergoda untuk membalas email spam dengan sumpah-serapah atau permintaan untuk tidak dikirimi email lagi. 

Hati-hati, karena biasanya alamat yang digunakan itu adalah palsu dan jika dibalas justru akan melahirkan lebih banyak spam lagi ke Inbox. 

3. Isi Form via Email

Trik pencurian data yang sering dilakukan adalah meminta calon korban mengisi data pribadi lewat form yang ada di email, atau form yang link-nya ditampilkan dalam email. 

Symantec mengatakan, perusahaan terkemuka tidak mungkin meminta informasi pribadi Anda melalui email. Jika ragu, hubungi perusahaan itu lewat jalur resmi terpisah. Jangan mengklik atau copy-paste dari link dalam pesan.

4. Membeli produk atau jasa dari pesan spam

Meskipun produk atau jasa itu terdengar menarik, sebaiknya jangan mencoba untuk melakukan pembelian produk atau jasa yang ditawarkan lewat spam. Hal ini hanya akan mendorong orang untuk terus menggunakan spam. 

5. Membuka pesan spam

Jika sebuah pesan sudah jelas adalah spam, misalnya karena ditandai oleh Spam Filter yang digunakan, ini artinya pesan itu memang sudah seharusnya dibuang. 

6. Meneruskan Email Berantai 

Banyak peringatan soal virus, bahaya keamanan dan hal-hal lain yang disebarkan lewat email. Karena ada kemungkinan hal semacam itu hanya kabar burung (hoax) belaka, sebaiknya jangan ikut-ikutan mengirimkan pesan berantai.

Panduan daftar adsense lewat flixya

pengalaman pribadi yang menyenangkan ...
berkali -kali aku coba daftar adsense lewat blog yang sudah saya buat , tapi apa boleh buat mbah google selalu menolak alias gatot ( gagal total ) sampai akirnya aku cari sana sini gimana caranya supaya saya punya akun adsense dan akhirnya saya temukan petunjuk yang kasih tahu kalau buat akun adsense tanpa punya blogpun juga bisa bahkan 99% pasti di terima oleh si mbah google.
lalu gimana bos caranya kasih tahu saya donk ..... tentu saya akan bagi2 tipsnya ke sobat sekalian.
karena dari pengalaman pribadi saya cuma butuh waktu ( 6 ) enam  jam akun saya sudah di approve oleh google.  di banding daftar lewat blogger yang butuh ber hari hari bahkan juga berminggu2 terkadang juga belum ada jawaban , kalau kita dapat jawaban paling2 isinya juga penolakan akun kita,,,, betul kan.
makanya kali ini saya kasih tahu tipsnya ...langsung aja ke TKP

ikuti cara ini Tips Diterima Google Adsense Tanpa Blog :
 1. Masuk dan daftar di
     Kemudian akan muncul tampilan dibawah ini, isi sesuai data diri anda.

2. Setelah berhasil mendaftar cek email anda.
3. Klik link buat verifikasi email memastikan itu email anda.
4. isi data diri anda.
5.Setelah berhasil Publih a Video, Post Blog, upload photo. itu anda bisa memilih yang mana terserah anda.
6. Setelah berhasil ada pilihan Monetize,ini sebaiknya jangan dulu, lebih baik anda posting video,gambar,blog sebanyak banyaknya dulu, setelah itu anda baru memilih monetize.
7. setelah anda mimilih monetize, silahkan anda pilih create publisher google adsense.
8. isi email yang belum pernah anda daftarkan.
9. cek email untuk verifikasi dan daftar adsense dengan data diri anda yang benar.
10. setelah berhasil mendaftar tunggu 3 - 7 hari biasanya anda akan mendapatkan dari google adsense.
11. cara ini 99% berhasil diterima dengan waktu yang relatif singkat. sambil menunggu balasan sebaiknya anda publih video ,gambar atau blog.
12. semoga berhasil ya sob

nah disini kenapa memilih flixya, karena di flixya semua hasil google adsense 100% milik kita, tidak dibagi dengan flixya, gimana sobat?mantap bukan....hehee..segera daftarkan ..

Panduan daftar adsense lewat flixya

pengalaman pribadi yang menyenangkan ...
berkali -kali aku coba daftar adsense lewat blog yang sudah saya buat , tapi apa boleh buat mbah google selalu menolak alias gatot ( gagal total ) sampai akirnya aku cari sana sini gimana caranya supaya saya punya akun adsense dan akhirnya saya temukan petunjuk yang kasih tahu kalau buat akun adsense tanpa punya blogpun juga bisa bahkan 99% pasti di terima oleh si mbah google.
lalu gimana bos caranya kasih tahu saya donk ..... tentu saya akan bagi2 tipsnya ke sobat sekalian.
karena dari pengalaman pribadi saya cuma butuh waktu ( 6 ) enam  jam akun saya sudah di approve oleh google.  di banding daftar lewat blogger yang butuh ber hari hari bahkan juga berminggu2 terkadang juga belum ada jawaban , kalau kita dapat jawaban paling2 isinya juga penolakan akun kita,,,, betul kan.
makanya kali ini saya kasih tahu tipsnya ...langsung aja ke TKP

ikuti cara ini Tips Diterima Google Adsense Tanpa Blog :
 1. Masuk dan daftar di
     Kemudian akan muncul tampilan dibawah ini, isi sesuai data diri anda.

2. Setelah berhasil mendaftar cek email anda.
3. Klik link buat verifikasi email memastikan itu email anda.
4. isi data diri anda.
5.Setelah berhasil Publih a Video, Post Blog, upload photo. itu anda bisa memilih yang mana terserah anda.
6. Setelah berhasil ada pilihan Monetize,ini sebaiknya jangan dulu, lebih baik anda posting video,gambar,blog sebanyak banyaknya dulu, setelah itu anda baru memilih monetize.
7. setelah anda mimilih monetize, silahkan anda pilih create publisher google adsense.
8. isi email yang belum pernah anda daftarkan.
9. cek email untuk verifikasi dan daftar adsense dengan data diri anda yang benar.
10. setelah berhasil mendaftar tunggu 3 - 7 hari biasanya anda akan mendapatkan dari google adsense.
11. cara ini 99% berhasil diterima dengan waktu yang relatif singkat. sambil menunggu balasan sebaiknya anda publih video ,gambar atau blog.
12. semoga berhasil ya sob

nah disini kenapa memilih flixya, karena di flixya semua hasil google adsense 100% milik kita, tidak dibagi dengan flixya, gimana sobat?mantap bukan....hehee..segera daftarkan ..


Drivers for Windows 7 & XP (x32/x64) Update 03.2011 | 3.14 Gb
Collection of updated drivers for devices running operating system Windows XP / 7 x32/x64, represents the most complete and fresh set on 05/03/2011. This release contains the drivers for stationary (Desktop) Computer and Notebook (Notebook). All drivers are sorted according to the devices and packaged in self-extracting archive 7-zip. All drivers were downloaded from the official websites of manufacturers (Intel, AMD, Nvidia) and are the reference (without third-party changes).
Changes in drivers for Windows 7
* Updated Broadcom BCM57xx Ethernet Driver v. on v.
* Updated the Intel Graphics Media Accelerator v.15.21.2 on v.15.21.8 - x32
* Updated the Intel Graphics Media Accelerator v.15.21.2 on v.15.21.8 - x64
* Updated the Intel Management Engine Interface Driver v. for v. - x32/x64
* Updated Intel PRO/10/1000 (PRO/10GbE) Ethernet Driver v.15.8.1 to v.16.0 - x32/x64
* Updated Intel Wi-Fi Windows 7 Driver v. on v. - x32/x64
* Updated JMicron 2xx Ethernet Driver v. on v. - x32/x64
* Updated Realtek RTL8190, RTL8192E Wireless LAN v.2000.4.0201.2010 on v.6.2002.0.1222-x32/x64
* Updated Realtek RTL8191SE, RTL8192SE Wireless LAN v.2017.1.0628 on v.2019.2.1217 - x32/x64
* Updated Realtek (RTS 5121, 5101, 5111, 5116 Card Reader) - v.6.1.7600.30123 on v.6.1.7600.30127 - x32/x64
* Updated Realtek HD Audio Driver R2.56 to R2.57 - x32/x64
* Removed section of the web camera and Modems
Composition Drivers for Windows 7
* Analog Devices SoundMAX HD Audio Windows 7 Driver analog-device hd v. - x32/x64
* Realtek HD Audio Driver R2.57 - x32/x64
* Realtek AC97 Audio Driver PG537 - x32/x64
* Realtek HDMI Audio Driver R2.55 - x32/x64
* C-Media CM-102 Driver v. - x32/x64
* C-Media CM106 v.2131-2111 - x32/x64
* C-Media CM6501 v. - x32/x64
* C-Media CM8738 v.
* C-Media CM8768 v.8.17.37-x32/x64
* C-Media CM8770 v.8.17.37-x32/x64
* C-Media CM8787 v.8.17.72-x32/x64
* C-Media CM8788 v. - x32/x64
* Conexant Hermosa HD Audio Windows 7 Driver v. - x32/x64
* Conexant Cocoa II HD Audio Vista7 Driver v. - x32/x64
* Conexant Pebble HD Audio Vista7 Driver v. - x32/x64
* VIA HD Audio Driver v. - x32/x64
* SigmaTel HD Audio v.6.10.6207.2 - x32/x64 * AMD / ATI Catalyst 11.1 Desktop WHQL x32
* AMD / ATI Catalyst 11.1 Desktop WHQL x64
* AMD / ATI Catalyst 11.1 Mobility WHQL x32/x64
* Intel Graphics Media Accelerator v.15.21.8 - x32
* Intel Graphics Media Accelerator v.15.21.8 - x64
* Nvidia 266.58 Notebook WHQL - x32
* Nvidia 266.58 Notebook WHQL - x64
* Nvidia 266.58 Desktop WHQL - x32
* Nvidia 266.58 Desktop WHQL - x64
* VIA CN896 VIA Chrome9 ™, P4M900 VIA Chrome9 ™, VN896 VIA Chrome9 ™ HC v.24.10.04i - x32/x64
* VIA VX800 VIA Chrome9 ™ HC, VX820/UT VIA Chrome9 ™ HC v.24.10.04k - x32/x64
* VIA VX855 VIA Chrome9 ™ HCM, VX875 VIA Chrome9 ™ HCM v.24.10.04j - x32/x64
* SiS Video Driver UniVGA v.5.29 - x32/x64 * Intel Chipset Driver v. - x32/x64
* Intel AMT / MEI / HECI Driver v. - x32/x64
* Intel Management Engine Interface Driver v. - x32/x64
* NVIDIA nForce Windows 7 Driver v.15.51 x32
* NVIDIA nForce Windows 7 Driver v.15.51 x64
* VIA Hyperion Chipset Driver 5.24a - x32/x64 [LAN (Network)]
* Atheros (AR8121/AR8113/AR8114/AR8131/AR8132) v. - x32/x64
* Atheros (AR813x/AR815x) v. - x32/x64
* Atheros (L1 Gigabit Ethernet 10/100/1000 Base-T Controller) v. - x32/x64
* Broadcom BCM57xx Ethernet Driver v. - x32/x64
* Intel PRO/10/1000 (PRO/10GbE) Ethernet Driver v.16.0 - x32/x64
* JMicron 2xx Ethernet Driver v. - x32/x64
* Marvell Yukon Gigabit Ethernet Driver v. - x32/x64
* Realtek Ethernet Windows 7 Driver v.7.037.1229 - x32/x64
* VIA Rhine Ethernet Driver/win7 v1.12a - x32/x64 [Card Reader]
* Alcor Micro Card Reader Driver v.1.15.54 - x32/x64
* JMicron JMB38x Driver v.1.00.56 - x32/x64
* O2Micro Memory Stick Reader Driver (OZ6933, OZ711E0, OZ711EC1, OZ711E1, OZ711E2, OZ711M1, OZ711M2, OZ711M3) - v.3.19.1 - x32/x64
* Realtek (RTS five thousand one hundred twenty-one, 5101, 5111, 5116 Card Reader) v.6.1.7600.30127 - x32/x64
* Realtek (RTS five thousand one hundred and fifty-eight Card Reader) v.6.0.6000.20136 - x32/x64
* Realtek (RTS 5 208 Card Reader) v.6.1.7600.00071 - x32/x64
* Realtek (RTS 5139 Card Reader) v.6.1.7600.10001 - x32/x64
* Ricoh R5C83x/84x Driver v. - x32/x64
* Atheros AR50XX Wireless Windows 7 Driver v. - x32/x64
* Broadcom Wireless BCM43xx Windows 7 Driver v. - x32/x64
* Intel Wi-Fi Windows 7 Driver v. - x32/x64
* Realtek RTL8187S, RTL8191SE Wireless LAN v.6.9110 - x32/x64
* Realtek RTL8180, RTL8185 Wireless LAN - v.6.1122.1016.2009 - x32/x64
* Realtek RTL8187B Wireless LAN - v.62.1182.1163 - x32/x64
* Realtek RTL8187L Wireless LAN - v.6.1316 - x32/x64
* Realtek RTL8190, RTL8192E Wireless LAN v.6.2002.0.1222 - x32/x64
* Realtek RTL8191SE, RTL8192SE Wireless LAN v.2019.2.1217 - x32/x64
* Realtek RTL8192U Windows 7 Driver v.6.1372 - x32/x64
* Realtek RTL8192CE, RTL8191CE, RTL8188CE Driver v.1005.12.0105 - x32/x64
* Realtek RTL8188CURTL8192CU Driver v.1012.0.1231 - x32/x64
Changes in drivers for Windows XP
* Updated Broadcom BCM57xx Ethernet Driver v. on v. - x32/x64
* Updated the Intel Management Engine Interface Driver v. for v. - x32/64
* Updated Intel PRO/10/1000 (PRO/10GbE) Ethernet Driver v.15.8.1 to v.16.0-x32/x64
* Updated JMicron 2xx Ethernet Driver v. on v. - x32/x64
* Updated Realtek Ethernet Windows XP Driver v.5.778.1208 on v.5.782.0120 - x32/x64
* Updated Realtek RTL8190, RTL8192E Wireless LAN v.5.1680.4.0307 on v.6.1682.0.1222 - x32/x64
* Updated Realtek RTL8191SE, RTL8192SE Wireless LAN v.1092.2.1021 on v.1093.1.1208 - x32/x64
* Updated Realtek (RTS 5121, 5101, 5111, 5116 Card Reader) - v.6.1.7600.30123 on v.6.1.7600.30127 - x32/x64
* Updated Realtek HD Audio Driver R2.56 to R2.57 - x32/x64
Composition Drivers for Windows XP
* Analog Devices SoundMAX HD Audio Windows XP Driver analog-device hd v. - x32/x64
* Analog Devices SoundMAX AC'97 v. - x32/x64
* Realtek HD Audio Driver R2.57 - x32/x64
* Realtek AC97 Audio Driver v4.06 - x32/x64
* Realtek HDMI Audio Driver R2.39 - x32/x64
* C-Media CM-102 Driver v. - x32/x64
* C-Media CM106 v.2131-2111 - x32/x64
* C-Media CM6501 v. - x32/x64
* C-Media CM8738 v.8.17.34-x32/x64
* C-Media CM8768 v.8.17.33-x32/x64
* C-Media CM8770 v.8.17.33-x32/x64
* C-Media CM8787 v.8.17.47-x32/x64
* C-Media CM8788 v. - x32/x64
* C-Media CMI9880L Driver v. - x32
* C-Media CMI9880L Driver v. - x64
* Conexant Hermosa HD Audio Windows XP Driver v. - x32/x64
* Conexant HD Audio Driver v. - x32/x64
* Conexant Cocoa II HD Audio Driver v. - x32/x64
* SigmaTel Audio STAC92xx Driver v.6.10.6207.2 - x32/x64
* VIA HD Audio Driver v. - x32/x64 * AMD / ATI Catalyst 11.1 Desktop WHQL x32
* AMD / ATI Catalyst 11.1 Desktop WHQL x64
* AMD / ATI Catalyst 9.3 Notebook WHQL x32
* Intel Graphics Driver (945G, 945GZ, 946GZ, G965, Q965, Q963, G33, G35, Q33, Q35, G31, 945GC, 945GM, 945GME, 945GMS, 940GML, GM965, GME965, GLE960) - v.14.38.3 - x32/x64
* Intel Graphics Driver (B43, G41, G43, G45, Q43, Q45, GL40, GM45, GS45, GS40) - v.14.42.8 - x32/x64
* Nvidia 266.58 Desktop WHQL - x32
* Nvidia 266.58 Desktop WHQL - x64
* Nvidia 266.58 Notebook WHQL - x32
* Nvidia 266.58 Notebook WHQL - x64
* VIA CN896 VIA Chrome9 ™, P4M900 VIA Chrome9 ™, VN896 VIA Chrome9 ™ HC v.20.50.01a - x32/x64
* VIA VX800 VIA Chrome9 ™ HC, VX820/UT VIA Chrome9 ™ HC v.20.12.01a - x32/x64
* VIA VX855 VIA Chrome9 ™ HCM, VX875 VIA Chrome9 ™ HCM v.24.10.01q - x32/x64
* SiS Video Driver UniVGA v.3.93 - x32/x64 * Intel Chipset Driver v. - x32/x64
* Intel AMT / MEI / HECI Driver v. - x32/x64
* Intel Management Engine Interface Driver v. - x32/64
* NVIDIA nForce Windows 7 Driver v.15.45 - x32
* NVIDIA nForce Windows 7 Driver v.15.45 - x64
* VIA Hyperion Chipset Driver 5.24a - x32/x64 [LAN (Network)]
* Atheros (AR8121/AR8113/AR8114/AR8131/AR8132) v. - x32/x64
* Atheros (AR813x, AR815x) Driver v. - x32/x64
* Atheros (L1 Gigabit Ethernet 10/100/1000 Base-T Controller) v. - x32/x64
* Broadcom BCM57xx Ethernet Driver v. - x32/x64
* Intel PRO/10/1000 (PRO/10GbE) Ethernet Driver v.16.0 - x32/x64
* JMicron 2xx Ethernet Driver v. - x32/x64
* Marvell Yukon Gigabit Ethernet Driver v. - x32/x64
* Realtek Ethernet Windows XP Driver v.5.782.0120 - x32/x64
* VIA Rhine Ethernet Driver/win7 v1.12a - x32/x64 [Card Reader]
* Alcor Micro Card Reader Driver v.1.0.0 - x32/x64
* JMicron JMB38x Driver v.1.00.56 - x32/x64
* O2Micro Memory Stick Reader Driver (OZ6933, OZ711E0, OZ711EC1, OZ711E1, OZ711E2, OZ711M1, OZ711M2, OZ711M3) - v.3.19.1 - x32/x64
* Realtek (RTS five thousand one hundred twenty-one, 5101, 5111, 5116 Card Reader) v.6.1.7600.30127 - x32/x64
* Realtek (RTS five thousand one hundred and fifty-eight Card Reader) v.6.0.6000.83 - x32/x64
* Realtek (RTS five thousand one hundred and fifty-nine Card Reader) v.6.0.6000.20136 - x32/x64
* Realtek (RTS 5 208 Card Reader) v.6.1.7600.00071 --x32/x64
* Realtek (RTS 5139 Card Reader) v.6.1.7600.10001 - x32/x64
* Ricoh R5C83x/84x Driver v. - x32/x64 * Atheros AR50XX Wireless Windows 7 Driver - v. - x32/x64
* Broadcom Wireless BCM43xx Windows 7 Driver v.
* Intel Wi-Fi Windows XP Driver v. - x32/x64
* Intel Wi-Fi Windows XP Driver v. - x64
* Realtek RTL8187S, RTL8191SE Wireless LAN v.6.9110 - x32/x64
* Realtek RTL8180, RTL8185 Wireless LAN v 6.1122.1016. - X32/x64
* Realtek RTL8187B Wireless LAN v.6.1163.62.1182 - x32/x64
* Realtek RTL8187L Wireless LAN v.5.1313 - x32/x64
* Realtek RTL8190, RTL8192E Wireless LAN v.6.1682.0.1222 - x32/x64
* Realtek RTL8191SE, RTL8192SE Wireless LAN v.1093.1.1208 - x32/x64
* Realtek RTL8192CE, RTL8191CE, RTL8188CE Driver v.1005.12.0105 - x32/64
* Realtek RTL81xxSU, RTL8712 Driver v.1084.44.1104 - x32/x64
* Realtek RTL8188CU, RTL8192CU Driver v.1012.0.1231 - x32/x64
System requirements:
OS: Windows XP / 7
CPU: Pentium 1.5 Ghz
VIDEO: Video card capable of 32bit at 640x480
RAM: 512 Mb
OS: Windows XP / 7 (x32/x64)
Language: English, Russian
License: Freeware
Size: 3.14 Gb

Avira Premium Security Suite & Avira AntiVir Premium

avira AntiVir Premium reliably protects you against all threats from viruses, worms, trojans, rootkits, phishings, adware, spyware, bots and dangerous “drive-by” downloads. Best detection rates and top-class security with several updates every day. Advanced protection:

Includes basic antivirus protection PLUS: email protection (POP3), AntiPhishing, AntiSpyware, AntiAdware and more. With real-time on-access scanning, profile-based on-demand scans and scheduling of full system scanning and updates it offers premium protection. It includes a POP3 based MailScanner that scans emails before they are stored on your machine. With a user-friendly control center, quarantine management, fast performance and world leading detection rates the Avira AntiVir Premium provides essential protection for your PC.

AntiVir Personal offers effective protection against computer viruses for the individual and private use on a single PC-workstation. It detects and removes viruses and includes an Internet-Update Wizard for easy updating.

Avira presents the Premium Security Suite with Full protection: Includes basic and advanced antivirus protection, email protection, AntiPhishing, Anti-Spyware and Anti-Adware PLUS: Anti-Spam, Firewall, WebGuard (Safe Surfing), Game Mode and more.! Complete security for workstations! The repeatedly awarded and worldwide used virus and malware protection by over 30 million users now also with WebGuard!
Avira is a German antivirus software company. Its antivirus applications are based on the AntiVir antivirus engine, first launched in 1988. It was called "H+BEDV Datentechnik GmbH" when it was founded. One of the antivirus software, AntiVir Personal, is free for personal usage. Avira is launching a new, comprehensive protection package for end-users as well as small offices and home workers: the Avira Premium Security Suite is a combination of Avira’s brand-new firewall and the proven anti-virus software AntiVir Personal Premium.

Even less experienced users can cope with the numerous security threats from the Internet with the central, intuitively operated user interface of the Suite

Avira Premium:
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Internet Users to Surf Solar System by 2011?

Vinct Cerf, one of the founding fathers of the internet, in a recent address in South Korea talked about working with NASA JPL to create the standards needed to turn the World Wide Web, to the Solar System Wide Web.

Because of the huge distances and long time delays to relay communications to places like Mars, new standards have to be created. Bringing the internet to space would allow for earth based scientists to communicate with remote missions over the internet and for missions and people out in space to be able to access the web (albeit with a lot of wait time!) and to post data and content. Cerf said he and a team of JPLers will complete a key part of the project, establishing space's communications standards, in three years.

Solar-Powered Bluetooth Headset from i.Tech

imageNow you can enjoy talking over bluetooth without thinking about its charging while on the way. Its a next generation bluetooth headset the Solar Voice 908, unveiled by i.Tech Dynamic Ltd. Its the first solar-powered Bluetooth headset with noise reduction features. Mr Johnnes Tam, Deputy Managing Director, i.Tech. and Mr Rajat Bal, General Manager, Europe, Middle East and Africa, International Business, launch the new range of bluetooth products and devices in the Capital New Delhi, on April 22. 
The other main feature in this innovative design allows user for Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (AD2P) audio streaming from devices such as iPhone 3GS and sites like YouTube. Solar Voice 908 also provides multi-point connections to two phones simultaneously. The products come with a 12-month warranty. At the same time, i.Tech Dynamic Ltd also introduced a solar charger car kits with car cradle dock sets for in-car charging and it promises to give the longest talk time solution with 32 hours talk time and 1,800 hours standby time. 

The company's mostly products come with a alert feature called ‘mobile away' and a buzzers to avoid losing phones. Mr Rajat Bal, General Manager International Business, i.Tech Dynamic Ltd, introduced the new Radio and MP3 players such as Music Clip 803, Clip D-Radio, Blue Band sport etc. He said, “Our strength lies in innovative designs and superior manufacturing capabilities which are easy on the pocket.”i.Tech is one of the leading wireless mobile solution providers and is a market leader in the Asia Pacific region. It is head-quartered in Hong Kong. After a year-long hiatus from the Indian market, i.Tech has re entered the market with an array of products ranging from entry level to premium accessories competitively priced from Rs 1,500 to Rs 7,000. All the company's products are available in sleek colourful designs, keeping in mind the youth mobile and tech users in India

New Firefox Extension to Forces HTTPS Sessions

HTTPS Everywhere is a Firefox extension developed by The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), one of the leading online privacy groups, together with the Tor Project,, which automatically forces HTTPS connections for several major sites that support it. The Firefox add-on is know as HTTPS Everywhere, the add-on allows users to add support for other websites as well by defining custom rulesets. 

Many sites on the web offer some limited support for encryption over HTTPS 
(Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure), but make it difficult to use. For instance, they may default to unencrypted HTTP, or fill encrypted pages with links that go back to the unencrypted site. The HTTPS Everywhere extension fixes these problems by rewriting all requests to these sites to HTTPS. HTTPS connections are encrypted via the SSL/TLS, in order to prevent third parties from reading the data. Using this protocol is a must when browsing from public wireless networks or other environments, where Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attacks are easy to mount.

HTTPS is most commonly used on websites that require secure transactions, such as e-commerce or online banking portals. However, in the past two years, the protocol has begun to see implementation for even the most common browsing tasks such as webmail sessions or even Web search.

For some websites you can easily do this by adding 's' with 'http' but the problem is that some websites use entirely different URLs for their HTTPS version. For example, Wikipedia's regular URL structure has an correspondent for HTTPS. The extension solves this issue by using special rewrite rules, which support JavaScript regular expressions, as well as exclusions. 
HTTPS Everywhere currently supports Google Search, Google Services, Wikipedia, Facebook, Twitter, PayPal, The Washington Post, The New York Times, EFF, Mozilla, Identica, The Tor Project,  Duck Duck Go, Ixquick, Scroogle, GentooBugzilla, and Noisebridge. If you'd like to write your own rule set, you can find out how to do that here.

Download HTTPS Everywhere 0.1.2 for Firefox: 
HTTPS Everywhere.xpi (41.4 KB)